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Antioch's Vision
Antioch was born out of a desire of like-minded Christians to use Internet to reach the world for Christ.
As individual Christians, we shared the similar passion of being fishers of men for Jesus, ministering to people whilst we work. The jobs we held enabled us to share the good news and our testimonies; ministering to people groups within our oikos, to both Christians and non Christians alike.
In early 1994, some of us felt the need to set up an organization to further the gospel of Christ. The vision of creating an electronic network of information, riding on the Internet, for the body of Christ to access to was birthed.
This is a viable means of transport which will allow a traveling minister, missionary or pilgrim to connect 'home'. The pilgrim can keep in touch with his church as well as access the tools for his ministry.
In the course of the discussion, more people joined the groupand became exceedingly excited with the idea of "taking the cyberspace for Christ". Thus the dream was formed.
Antioch was incorporated because we see Singapore as the Antioch of Asia. Singapore, being the information centre of this region,is an ideal place to set up a Network of information resources to service the Christian community within and outside of this island.
- We see Antioch extending across geographical and denominational boundaries to serve the entire body of Christ; a place where the "lions and the lambs" will co-exist in harmony, enriching and building up each other.
- Antioch is meant to be a place where the body of Christ can provide the means to disseminate most current information to the followers and disciples of Jesus whilst giving the residents and pilgrims a means to fellowship with one another -- keeping in touch and growing together; learning from each other and encouraging one another concerning the grace and promises of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- Antioch will also bridge (bridging relationships of inter-denominations for global evangelism) the various denominational groups of Christians who love and follow Jesus with the same heart; allowing us to co-exist together as a full body of Christ; living, behaving and loving each other as one body and evangelizing and reaching outto that man of peace who is seeking Jesus.
- It is the aspiration of the group to see Antioch used in a way to help build, equip, edify and minister to Christians in Cyberspace; sharing their love, their testimonies, their knowledge and prophecies according to the scriptures as well as an out-reach to those who wish to receive the joy of knowing Jesus as LORD and Saviour.
Drawing parallels with the activities at Antioch in A.D. 40, we envision the people of the LORD coming together in one accord through the creation of a new Antioch in A.D. 2000, which we call Antioch; where all can come and meet together; thus breaking the geographic boundaries that physically restrain us in fellowshipping with one another in these exciting times. Last Updated Wednesday, 26 April 2006 @ 03:19 pm SGT  |
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