We regard our visitors' privacy as one of our most important values. We want you to know how we protect visitor information and what choices you have about its use. We believe our Privacy Policy should give you confidence whenever you visit Antioch all 24 hours of the day, every day of the year.Our Privacy Commitment
We are committed to protecting your personal privacy. Our 5 Principles of Privacy summarize and clarify that commitment: how we safeguard your privacy, how we treat personal information, and what choices you have. We understand that for you to take full advantage of the benefits of this interactive medium, we must do what we can to ensure that your privacy is secure.THE 5 PRINCIPLES OF PRIVACY:
- We do not disclose your private online communications.
- We do not use any information about where you personally go in the Antioch website, and we do not share it with any other party.
- We do not sell or otherwise pass on any of the information you provide us (name, E-mail address, URL, telephone number, mailing address, etc.).
- We use secure technology, privacy protection controls, and restrictions on employee access in order to safeguard your personal information.
- We will keep you informed about what we do with your personal information, and we ill advise you if we change our policy.
(1) We do not disclose your private online communications.
Antioch honors the confidentiality of its visitors' private communications (i.e. email, calendar appointment postings, address book and bookmark additions, and file uploads/downloads). Antioch does not disclose private communications except to comply with legal processes. However, what you explicitly publish (e.g. in the guestbook, public forum) in Antioch will be available to the general public.
(2) We do not use any information about where you personally go in the Antioch website, and we do not share it with any other party.
Our system automatically gathers information about the areas you visit on our service. We do not share any of this data with outside companies. We do use navigational information in the aggregate to understand how our visitors as a group use the service so that we can make Antioch better. And from time to time, we may communicate with you directly via email to make suggestions and provide advice about how to more effectively and efficiently use our service. You can opt out of receiving such email messages by responding to any of them and asking to be taken off the list.
We may also share aggregated navigational information with our partners (whom are under confidentiality obligations), but in doing so, we don't disclose personal navigational information. We do not keep track of where you go on the World Wide Web. The Web sites you visit may have their own privacy policies or no policy at all. Once you click on a link leading to another web site, our privacy policy no longer applies. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of Web sites before providing them with any of your personal information.
(3) We do not sell or otherwise pass on any of the information you provide us (name, E-mail address, URL, telephone number, mailing address, etc.).
Antioch may ask visitors for their name, E-mail address, URL, telephone number, mailing address, telephone number, and (if you use our secured E-commerce facilities) billing information including the credit card account used to pay for your purchases/booking as well as some basic system configuration information. Here is how we protect that information:
- Antioch will not sell, rent or otherwise pass on your name, E-mail address, URL, telephone number, mailing address, or any other registration information, whether in electronics, printed or any medium.
- In the case where additional safeguard is necessary (e.g. receiving credit card information), Antioch uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to receive these information securely.
- We will not share your specific system configuration information with any third party. We may from time-to-time aggregate our users' system information and share that with partners (whom are under confidentiality obligations), but in no case is an individual's specific system configuration revealed to third-parties.
- We do, however, collect and use system configuration information internally in order to more effectively diagnose visitor problems. Antioch automatically queries your computer for information such as: the operating system you are using (whether MacOS®, Windows® or variants of UNIX®), which web browser you are using (Navigator®/Communicator®, Internet Explorer®) and the date and time of your visit. In addition, we keep a history of visitors' email exchanges with Antioch.
We have two exceptions to this policy. We will release specific information about you to law enforcement authorities if compelled to in order to comply with legal process. We may from time to time share aggregate visit or registration information (such as percentage of visitors who are active in forum discussion, visits by denomination etc.) with our partners and prospective partners such as churches/missions/organizations being hosted by us (whom are under confidentiality obligations). However, we make no commitments on behalf of our hosted partners, and encourage you to acquaint yourself with their individual privacy policies as well.
(4) We use secure technology, privacy protection controls, and restrictions on employee access in order to safeguard your personal information.
We use industry-standard technology to keep your personal information including your profile/registration information as secure as possible. We also have put in place privacy protection control systems designed to ensure that these data remain safe and private.
Each and every Antioch employee servicing Antioch is obligated to abide by the Antioch privacy policy. Employees who violate our privacy policies are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Only authorized Antioch employees servicing Antioch are permitted to have access to your personal information and such access is limited by need.
(5) We will keep you informed about what we do with your personal information, and we will advise you if we change our policy.
A key part of Antioch's commitment to protecting your privacy is explaining to you how we may use your personal information. This privacy policy serves that purpose. In addition, we will inform you wherever it is ambiguous, how your personal information will be used at the webpage where you are expected to provide any personal information.
A current copy of this policy is available from Antioch. We will notify prominently on our website in the event of changes to our policy.
If you'd like to comment on or have questions about our privacy policy, have a concern or policy violation you wish to report, or wish to change or delete the visitor information you submitted to Antioch, please contact us at webservant at antioch.sg or by calling (65) 6324 6532.
Antioch Networks International