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Who Killed Jesus |
Wednesday, 28 April 2004 @ 04:21 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 9,818
究竟是谁杀害了耶稣? 其实大家不需再找下去了……. 是你和我! 为了替你和我的罪孽作救赎, 耶稣死在十字架上。罗马书3:23-25 很清楚地写道:
“因 为 世 人 都 犯 了 罪 , 亏 缺 了 神 的 荣 耀 。 如 今 却 蒙 神 的 恩 典 , 因 基 督 耶 稣 的 救 赎 , 就 白 白 地 称 义 。神 设 立 耶 稣 作 挽 回 祭 , 是 凭 着 耶 稣 的 血 , 借 着 人 的 信 , 要 显 明 神 的 义 。 因 为 他 用 忍 耐 的 心 , 宽 容 人 先 时 所 犯 的 罪 。”
The Passover set-up |
Tuesday, 30 March 2004 @ 08:36 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 10,898
Why is this sacrifice different from all other sacrifices?
The bloodshed and gore depicted in The Passion Of The Christ may be criticized for being superfluous violence but the wickedness surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus that day was in fact a necessary evil.
Indeed it was a conspiracy by wicked men driven by ambitious and selfish reasons to hold control.
But really, did they have control? They did what they did only because God allowed it. There was a reason and a plan behind it all. It was a plan written by an omniscient God and executed by his obedient son.
In order to understand this, we must examine this drama in its proper perspective. Seeing this in its larger scheme of historical and cultural events reveals how and why this was part of a divine set-up which fell perfectly in place for godly purposes.
Who was Annas? |
Tuesday, 30 March 2004 @ 08:28 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 7,106
A high priest of the Jews, the virtual head of the priestly party in Jerusalem in the time of Christ, a man of commanding influence. He was the son of Seth (Josephus: Sethi), and was elevated to the high-priesthood by Quirinius, governor of Syria, 7 AD.
Who killed Jesus? |
Tuesday, 30 March 2004 @ 08:25 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 9,928
So who killed Jesus? We don’t need to look too far... it is you, and I. Jesus died on the cross to atone for your sin and my sin. Romans 3:23-25 said it quite clearly: " for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood."
How can one man’s death pay the price for our sin? That is just how God set it up ever since he created the earth – that there is a price for sin and it is death. From the time of Adam and Eve, only the sacrifice of an animal could put us right with God again. The feast of Passover was so special and important because that this day signifies that a perfect lamb was sacrificed to deliver us and make amends for our sin. Jesus came as our sacrificial lamb.
So my friend, it is because of you and me that caused Jesus to die on the cross for our sin. But wait a minute! God presented him as a sacrifice.
The Passion On Passion – still strong after all these years |
Tuesday, 09 March 2004 @ 06:56 pm SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 8,795
How is it that a movie claiming to be the most realistic film made about a man and the events around him that occurred 2000 years ago can evoke such strong reactions, fear and resentment today?
“The Passion Of The Christ” claims to be a version closest to the truth, but again as in history, the suffering and death of Jesus creates such extreme passions for and against him and what he came for.
Tuesday, 24 February 2004 @ 10:36 pm SGT
Contributed by: Anonymous
Views:: 8,677
Why did a pious, innocent Jew named Jesus suffer “the most cruel and abominable form of execution” (Cicero, crudelissimum tacterrimumque supplicium)? According to Jewish Law, he was guilty of nothing warranting a death sentence. Politically he was neither an anti-Roman agitator nor a Zealot calling for the military overthrow of the oppressive Roman yoke.
Then why was this prophet and rabbi from Galilee executed in the most inhumane manner of crucifixion? Who bears responsibility for this outrage and injustice? Who is guilty for this condemnation? • • •
The lost coin |
Monday, 27 October 2003 @ 12:34 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 8,029
Have you ever wondered the significance of the parable of the lost coin.
For a long while, I always wondered what was the big deal with the lost coin in
Luke_15:8-9. Why did Jesus use a illustration of a lost coin, and why would a woman take the trouble to look for one lost coin, and after finding it, throw a party for the neighbours?
Well, if you are interested to know...
Clinging on to the teachings of the Ten Commandments. |
Saturday, 12 April 2003 @ 12:11 am SGT
Contributed by: Gatekeeper
Views:: 5,439
Let us continue to cling on to the teachings of the Ten Commandments. Let us hold on to those teachings the way David expressed in Psalm 119:4 “I delight in the way of your decrees as much as in all riches,” and Psalm 119:35 “Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it”.
Recently, we published the Ten Commandments. One reader wrote to us that he did not think the commandments were meant for us to keep. Rather, he believed it was to show us how sinful we are that we may cry out for a savior. He said he thought Jesus came to remove the old and establish the new.
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