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  • Remembering the REASON for the Season...
    Thursday, 11 December 2003 @ 11:18 am SGT
    Contributed by: Gatekeeper
    Views:: 4,974
    Gleanings As we enter the season of Christmas once again, we need to go back to the scriptures to remember why we are celebrating the birth of Christ.

    As I read Matthew 2, the scriptures point out to me that there were four categories of people who were aware of the coming Messiah:

    1. the wise men and the shepherds,
    2. the king,
    3. the chief priests and scribes, and
    4. those who slept right through the whole phenomenon

    Taking a closer look at them, we are told that the wise men and the shepherds (in Luke 2) acted upon the call and followed the star that led them to the Messiah. Matthew 2 and Luke 2 tell us that they traveled far and wide in order to "come and worship Him" bearing gifts with them.

    Matthew tells us of King Herod who also sought the Messiah, not with the same intent of the first group, but that he was troubled by the news of the wise men. He sent for the chief priests and the scribes to ask of them where this Messiah will come from. He then secretly called for the wise men to report back to him when they have found the Christ.

    Finally, there were the chief priests and the scribes who studied the scriptures and who knew of the prophecies of the coming King. Yet, they were more caught up with discharging their duty of directing and teaching others about the Messiah than being seekers themselves.

    This Christmas, amidst the bright lights and merrymaking, may we be reminded that we can fall in the same traps. Let us be still to remember the reason for the season.

    • Let us take time to seek Him (even if it seems far and wide)
    • Let us seek Him to acknowledge and worship Him as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords
    • Let us seek Him bearing our lives as gifts of re-dedication to Him
    • Let us seek Him without hidden agendas (Matthew 2:13 tells us that God knew the intent of Herod's heart)
    • Let us seek Him for ourselves, and not wait for someone else to find Him for us
    • Let us be conscious that our 'religious' duties might just cause us to miss the One whom we have been proclaiming
    • Let us try to "hear" Him and just be happy "knowing" His Word
    • And of course, let us be awake and alert to Christ this coming Christmas.

      After all, the LORD promised in Proverb 8:17 ..." those who seek me diligently will find me..."

      May we join the messengers of God in proclaiming...

      "Glory to God in the Highest
      and on earth peace
      towards men of goodwill."

      Wishing all a Blessed Christmas.


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