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  • APCOD 2003 - July 9 to 12
    Friday, 31 January 2003 @ 04:04 am SGT
    Contributed by: Gatekeeper
    Views:: 5,391
    Antioch News The International Council of The Asia-Pacific Consultation On Discipleship (APCOD) invites you to participate in the upcoming 2nd APCOD scheduled to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from July 9-12, 2003.

    Theme of the Consultation: Telling the Truth!

    Purpose: Discipling Nations through the Power of Truth.

    "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD, "when I will send a famine through the land- not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.

    Men will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the LORD, but they will not find it."

    APCOD - The Tranforming Vision
    The Asia-Pacific Consultation On Discipleship [APCOD; pronounced A-P-COD] is a life-transforming vision that brings to focus the urgent need for authentic Biblical – [Hebraic and Christian]- discipleship and biblical disciple making in the Church of Jesus Christ today. At the heart of the vision is the passion for every member in the Body of Christ in every nation of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond to seek personal transformation in the Lord Jesus Christ through the power of truth in the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit.

    APCOD provides a strategic regional platform for believers to gain a deeper understanding of the commitment to reflect and imitate Christ in all areas of everyday life; equipping the church to disciple the nations within the context of world missions through changed lives with changed hearts and renewed minds focused on bearing fruit to the glory of God.

    Recognised as a major step forward in the consolidation of Christianity in the Asia-Pacific region, APCOD reaffirms the crucial need for a fresh hearing and understanding of the historic reality of the man Jesus of Nazareth in His Jewish setting; a renewed consciousness of the historic roots of Biblical discipleship and the Hebraic foundation of the Christian faith coupled with the reinvigoration of a thinking Christian mind that is in total obedience to love and serve God only.

    The vision of APCOD carries the spirit of prophesy as declared in the word of the LORD through prophet Amos. Amos warned the people of Israel to seriously take hold of where they had come from historically as a people of God, reminding them to seek God and live.

    Towards an authentic Christian discipleship to Jesus the Messiah in every member of the Body of Christ in every nation of the Asia-Pacific region.

    To bring the urgency of authentic Christian discipleship and biblical disciple making to the forefront of the Church's agenda.

    To equip the Church with mature well-discipled servant leaders with the passion to raise up Kingdom disciples focused on bearing fruit to God through changed lives in Christ.

    To promote the establishment of the Institute for Hebraic-Christian Studies (IHCS).

    On July 19th, 1996, Summer Fruit Ministries [SFM] was founded by Dr. Charles Lee, with a mission to encourage believers to return to a life of true repentance and holiness in order to go forward as overcoming Kingdom disciples of Jesus, bearing fruit to God through Christ. At the core of this calling is the passion to rediscover the Biblical roots of the faith and promote the restoration of the Hebraic foundation and historical character of the Christian faith.

    In July 1997, the vision was conceived to establish an Institute for Hebraic-Christian Studies [IHCS] with the aim of bringing both Hebraic and Christian perspectives to bear light on what it means to live out the Christian faith with authenticity and integrity in the real world. July 2001, 5 years from the birth of Summer Fruit Ministries, was set as the date where an assembly of God's people will be held in Kota Kinabalu to return to the Biblical roots of the Christian faith and take hold of where we have come from historically, gain a fresh vision of faith, hope and commitment for an authentic discipleship to Jesus the Messiah.

    In July 1998, Dr. Charles Lee received an invitation from the International Leaders for Discipleship [now Global Leaders Initiative] to attend the 1st International Leaders for Discipleship Consultation in September 1999 Eastbourne, England and the vision for July 2001 soon became a reality. APCOD was conceived to be the platform to bring nations together to address the critical urgency for mature spiritual leadership in committed Kingdom disciples whose hearts and minds are fully committed to serve the Lord both in public and private life.

    In September 1999, APCOD was presented at the 1st International Leaders for Discipleship Consultation in Eastbourne, England. Christian Leaders from the Asia-Pacific realm unanimously agreed to this God-given vision.

    Objectives of APCOD
    To impact society through changed lives with changed hearts and renewed minds in Jesus Christ.

    To promote a renewed commitment of obedience and love to the person of Jesus Christ as Lord in all areas of Christian faith and life.

    To promote a renewed vision of Christian unity in the faith that crosses all national, cultural and denominational lines.

    To promote the restoration of the historical character of the Christian faith and of the biblical foundation of that faith in the word or God.

    To promote the reinvigoration of a thinking Christian mind that is in total harmony with the heart and mind of God.

    To promote the highest quality of engagement and interaction that forges new covenant partnership and networking opportunities.

    To promote the transforming of believers in Jesus Christ into effective and life-transforming disciples that make a difference.


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