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    Tuesday, 13 January 2004 @ 06:44 am SGT
    Contributed by: Gatekeeper
    Views:: 8,245
    Gleanings This is a re-run from 2003 but I feel a worthwhile read.... ---------------------

    As we prepare to celebrate Chinese New Year on Feb 1st 2003, I could not help but notice that it falls on the shabbat of the Jews - a Friday.

    I had been contemplating the possible Hebraic roots of the Chinese for a while, ever since I read the book-The Discovery of Genesis by Kang and Nelson, which documents their findings that stories of the flood and Old Testament concepts appeared reflected in the Chinese language.

    Like the Jews, Chinese follow the Lunar calendar too. Some traditional Chinese homes hang the red curtains at the threshold and that spoke to me of the First Passover celebrated in Exodus chapter 12. Could the "Nian" the mythical monster of Chinese legend be the angel of death in Exodus? (Click Nian for more information).

    Exodus 12:7-“ They shall take of the blood (of the lamb) and put it on the two sideposts and on the lintel above the door of the houses”
    Exodus 12:23-“For the Lord will pass through to slay the Egyptians; and when He sees the blood upon the lintel and the two sideposts, the Lord will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to slay you.”

    On the seventh day of Chinese New Year we celebrate it as “every man’s birthday” and in Exodus 12:16-“….on the seventh day there shall be a holy assembly; no kind of work shall be done in them, save that which every person must eat, that only may be done by you.”

    I believe that even as the world and Singapore speaks of economic famine and recession, those who have waited perfectly upon the Lord, digging deeper in their walk with God and developing into the Man after God’s own heart (like the godly man in Psalm 1) , will know no fear but dwell in perfect safety under the shelter of His wings. Then we see his favour upon them who have walked closely to Him.

    So as we celebrate this Lunar New Year, let us do so with the Passover in mind.

    What does the Passover signify?

    • Security and life
    • Freedom from slavery and bondage
    • Restoration of what was owed to the Israelites as the Egyptians gave them silver and gold before they left
    • God’s divine guidance and leading
    • A safe passage to freedom
    Also going by a way they had never been before - through the Red Sea.

    We await the new year with anticipation and hope; excited to see God’s glory go before us.

    Contributed by: Lian Ng


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